Author: Shlomi Ron

  • My Special 2016 Digital Trends Mixer

    My Special 2016 Digital Trends Mixer

    It’s the first day of January! By now you all know the drill, if it’s December-January, then it must be high season for digital trends and predictions for the new year. To provide you a with a vantage point, or forest view if you will, I have created the 2016 Digital Trends Mixer, to distill…

  • Developing a Social Selling Playbook

    Developing a Social Selling Playbook

    Whether or not your organization’s sales reps have been trained in social selling, they are probably using LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media tools to find and engage potential buyers. Is that good news? The answer depends on both sellers and buyers, as Jim Ninivaggi, service director for SiriusDecisions’ Sales Enablement Strategies service, noted in…

  • The Most Coveted Social Media Cake Recipe – Revealed!

    The Most Coveted Social Media Cake Recipe – Revealed!

    Although social media strategies are gaining a stronger foothold in integrated marketing campaigns, more often than not, we find that b-to-b companies are still struggling to effectively leverage social media to drive business impact. According to SiriusDecisions Social Media Intelligence 2015 Study, although 95 percent of b-to-b organizations have set up corporate social media accounts,…